How Many Calories are Burned Shoveling Snow?

Mother Nature likes pack a wallop in the wintertime. She’ll dump snow like there’s no tomorrow — which is what it feels like when you’re in the middle of a blizzard! But the sun does shine the next day…on a vast expanse of endless snow that isn’t going to shovel itself.
So, how many calories do you burn shoveling snow? Use my calories burned calculator to find out:
How Many Calories Are Burned Shoveling Snow
Enter your weight and the amount of time you shoveled snow and click the “Calculate” button.
So, how many calories did you burn? Was it more or less than you expected?
And one last question: when’s summer going to get here?
Shovel safely: take your time, lift with your knees not your back and keep warm.
Must Read
Calories Burned Calculator
Winter is Here – A Few Snow Shoveling Tips (video)
7 Ways to Have Fun in the Winter Air