Calorie Counter Search Results

Your search for 'smoothie' returned 411 choice(s). Click on a food link down below to see the nutritional facts for that food or you can search again to refine your results by adding or removing keywords. Click here to go back to main calorie counter page.

Or drill down by category (USDA foods only):

  1. 7/10/09 Green Smoothie (User Entry)
  2. 8oz Frozen Smoothie (User Entry)
  3. Acai Smoothie Pack (User Entry)
  4. Ah Fruit Smoothie (User Entry)
  5. Aj's Fruit Smoothie (User Entry)
  6. Amplify Protein Smoothies (User Entry)

  7. Amplify Smoothie - Creamy Chocolate (User Entry)
  8. Angel Food Smoothie Kid Size (User Entry)
  9. Angel Smoothie (User Entry)
  10. Applesmoothie (User Entry)
  11. Arthur's Smoothies Carrot Energizer (User Entry)
  12. Astro Bio Best Smoothie (User Entry)
  13. Aurther's Smoothie (User Entry)
  14. Avocado Smoothie (User Entry)
  15. Bahama Mama Tropical Smoothie (User Entry)
  16. Banana Smoothie (User Entry)
  17. Bananas-a-whey Smoothie (User Entry)
  18. Baskin Robbins Strawberry-banana Smoothie (User Entry)
  19. Bender Smoothie (User Entry)
  20. Berrie Smoothie Fake (User Entry)
  21. Berry Blast Smoothie (User Entry)
  22. Berry Boost Fruit Smoothie (User Entry)
  23. Berry Boost Smoothie (User Entry)
  24. Berry Smoothie (User Entry)
  25. Berry Smoothie- 1 Cup (User Entry)
  26. Berry V8 Fruit Smoothie (User Entry)
  27. Berry-fruit Smoothie (User Entry)
  28. Betty Crocker Fruit Smoothie Fruit Snacks (User Entry)
  29. Big Bold Banana Smoothie (User Entry)
  30. Blue Machine Smoothie (User Entry)
  31. Blueberry & Bann Smoothie (User Entry)
  32. Blueberry Orange Smoothie (User Entry)
  33. Blueberry Smoothie (User Entry)
  34. Blueberry Smoothie Orig. (User Entry)
  35. Blueberry Smoothie, Odwalla (User Entry)
  36. Boathouse Farms Fruit Juile Smoothie (User Entry)
  37. Bolt House 100% Fruit Smoothie (User Entry)
  38. Bolthouse - Straw/ban Smoothie (User Entry)
  39. Bolthouse Farms Berry Boost Smoothie (User Entry)
  40. Bolthouse Farms Blue Goodness Fruit Smoothie (User Entry)
  41. Bolthouse Farms Green Smoothie (User Entry)
  42. Bolthouse Farms Strawberry Banana Smoothie (8 Ounc (User Entry)
  43. Bolthouse Fruit Smoothie (User Entry)
  44. Booster Juice Mango Hurrican Tropical Smoothie (User Entry)
  45. Booster Juice Strawberry Sunshine Berry Smoothie (User Entry)
  46. Boyer Butterscotch Smoothie Cups (User Entry)
  47. Breakfast Smoothie (User Entry)
  48. Breakstone Protein Smoothie (User Entry)
  49. Burger King Smoothie Tropical Mango (12 Oz Per Small, 16 Oz Per Medium, 20 Oz Per Large) (User Entry)
  50. Burger King Strawberry Banana Smoothie (sm) (User Entry)