Burn The Fat Inner Circle - Review

I’ve been a member of Tom Venuto’s member’s-only website called “Burn The Fat Inner Circle” since January 2008—and I have to say, I’m very impressed with what he’s put together.
This site is huge and contains some really powerful resources for people trying to lose fat and get in great shape.
Get SIX MONTHS FREE membership to the Inner Circle when you buy Tom Venuto's Burn the Fat 7 Day Transformation Program.
The Inner Circle has very high quality materials that will help members burn more fat and really achieve the results they’re looking for. (I lost 6% body fat in a 12 week period!)
Before I give you some insider-details of what the Inner Circle offers, let me tell you a little bit about Tom Venuto—just in case you don’t know who he is.

But I digress! Back to the review of the Inner Circle website…
Burn The Fat Inner Circle is a membership site. That means that yes; it does cost money to join. You may be wondering why you should even consider paying for a membership here if you have access to all kinds of free information online.
It’s a good question—and one that I asked myself before signing up.
There’s a lot of free stuff on the internet and many free forums. But let’s be honest, a lot these free sites are pure garbage. For example, some of the free forums online are not closely moderated and I have had experiences where other forum members completely trashed other members—even swearing at them! Not much of a supportive community…
In fact, in my introduction post on the Inner Circle’s forum, I mentioned how I loved the thought of a paid forum and asked if there would be less arguing than on free forums. (I’d had enough of low carb fanatics on some forums…) Tom himself replied! He said there would be NO arguing. He wants to provide a safe haven for people in the forum. Discussions are fine, but nobody’s going to knock anybody else. These folks aren’t going to ‘flame’ you, call you stupid for asking questions, and they are not there to sell you supplements or other garbage.
I have always been a believer that finding good ‘mentors’ (people who have done what you want to do) can really help you to achieve success at a faster rate. The Inner Circle forums are moderated by professionals with impressive credentials. Some of the top fitness professionals and fat loss success stories are there to help you out.
Joining a membership program can make very good sense, provided it’s the right program—and I assure you, this one is top notch.
Before I tell you what you’ll find inside the member’s-only area of the Burn The Fat Inner Circle, let me answer one last and very obvious question…
“Do I need to be on Tom’s Burn The Fat program in order to join this fat loss support community?”
The answer is absolutely not. There is a ton of great material in this site that will be of benefit to anyone—no matter what diet you are currently on.
Let’s get to the good stuff, shall we?
So, what will you find in Tom’s Burn The Fat Inner Circle?
Oh boy… where to start?
Well, it’s all there really—everything you could possibly need on your fat loss quest.
I’m sure the biggest benefit for you is going to be the forums. They’re full of activity and supportive answers from real people that ‘walk the walk and talk the talk.”
The forum members are from all walks of life, all motivated by the same thing (and ready to lend a helpful hand to their fellow community members).
And of course, there’s a ton of info there as well…
Here are some of the coolest features that the Inner Circle offers:
- Tom Venuto’s Burn The Fat Show (A Members-Only MP3 Audio Program) that really has some powerful tips delivered by Tom Venuto himself.
- Audio interviews with top fitness and fat loss experts. (I put these on my iPod and listen to them when I’m working out or when I need to de-stress and refocus!)
- Amazing fat loss success stories - learn how others just like you achieved their impressive body transformations. (These interviews are great and I got some really cool takeaways from these people who have taken Tom’s program and ran with it!)
- Ever-expanding library of exclusive (not published elsewhere) articles; some really meaty stuff!.
- Exclusive (not published elsewhere) Burn The Fat program Q & A that are great if you are going through a fat loss program and want your questions answered.
- Library of downloadable e-books and e-reports for members only. Tom sells these special reports and e-books to non-members and if you were to buy them one by one you would pay over $379!
- Calorie and nutrient information at your fingertips.
- Weight loss and fitness news headlines that keep me up to date with the latest fat loss tips.
- Community photo galleries where Tom’s members post before, after and progress pictures—so inspiring!
- Delicious taste-tested fat-burning recipes—all the recipes have to pass Tom’s “Kitchen Dummy Seal of Approval.” (Tom’s a self-confessed “kitchen dummy”; he hates to cook and wants his recipes easy to make!)
- NO B.S., science-based and unbiased supplement reviews.
- And there’s so much more… The tagline of the Inner Circle is that it is supposed to be the Internet’s Premier Fat Loss Support Community, and having checked it all out, I’d have to say I agree 100%.
Bottom line?
Tom Venuto is a credible, qualified professional who knows his stuff. More than that is the fact that he has a genuine concern for the people he is helping, and he’s concerned with taking care of the people who enter his program, above all else.
Tom has helped thousands of people shed thousands of pounds of fat and he is not like some online marketers, out to take advantage of the hopes and dreams of honest people looking to make some positive changes in there life.
You’ll see no supplements for sale here and you’ll be impressed with the honesty and integrity that Tom has infused into the Inner Circle site—it really is something special and my recommendation is to check it out.
His “Inner Circle” is a premier quality resource—well worth the money, and a benefit to anyone, anywhere, of any age who is trying to lose weight naturally and permanently.
Get SIX MONTHS FREE membership to the Inner Circle when you buy Tom Venuto's Burn the Fat 7 Day Transformation Program.
But don’t just take my word for it… See what some people are saying about the Inner Circle:
“My initial weight: 425+ lbs… Walking 10-15 steps was killer then… Today: 218 Lbs of fat put to rest! It changed my very foundation in life; there is absolutely no feeling like having control of your entire life again… there’s just no price you can put on it”
Mike Boyd, Inner Circle Member
“One day, while I was looking through a pack of photos, I came across a picture of me… and I barely recognized myself! At 5’ 1”, and150 pounds I had to face the fact that I was Forty and Fat. I had no idea that I had “let myself go” so much. So I decided to make some changes. Somehow, I happened upon Burn The Fat and ordered. It was the best money I ever spent. Today, I am 106 pounds, and I wear a size 0 (zero!)I am a personal trainer helping other women achieve their goals. I am a mom that can keep up with my kids. My self-confidence has soared. I actually decided to compete in two figure competitions this year - something I never would have dreamed possible before!
Aida Miodus, Inner Circle Member
“I used the BURN THE FAT program to not only lose 137 pounds, but it also changed my entire life and the life of my family. BURN THE FAT has also helped me achieve emotional, physical and financial goals I never thought possible. I believe that your entire success can be traced back to something as simple as desire. I need you to ask yourself one simple question - ‘How Bad Do You Want It?’ If you want it bad the battle is on and you can win, you just have to keep that desire fueled.
Mike Ogorek, Inner Circle Member