Best of the Best Christmas Weight Loss Tips

Below you’ll find a collection of the “best of the best” Christmas weight loss tips:
#1 - Always Eat Breakfast
If you don’t eat all day and then attend a party or dinner, you’re much more likely to overdo it on calories as you try to eat everything in sight. Instead, start each day with a healthy, low-calorie breakfast. A small bowl of oatmeal with a serving of fruit and low fat milk is a great choice, or half of a whole grain bagel with an egg and a side of fruit. Think two things for staying satisfied longer: protein and fiber.#2 - Fill Up On Fiber
Fiber plays a big role in helping your digestive system work efficiently, and it can also help you avoid big spikes in your blood glucose levels. When you attend Christmas dinners and parties, go for the vegetables and whole grains before eating any simple carbohydrates (sugar, white flour, potatoes). The fiber content will help reduce the impact on your blood sugar and help you control hunger better. Add some lean protein to your fiber foods and you’ve got a winning combination that can help you easily keep your eating under control.See: 3 Smart Reasons Why You Need Fiber in Your Diet
#3 - Water Down Alcohol
Make a commitment that you will drink one glass of water for every alcoholic drink you consume at a party. This will help you avoid drinking too much, consuming too many liquid calories, and dealing with the dehydration hangover the next day.#4 - No Pigging Out
Keep reminding yourself that the holidays do not come with a license to pig out and eat vast quantities of food. It’s okay to indulge in a few treats throughout the season, but make a promise to yourself that you’ll keep it within reason.#5 - Big Eyes, Little Stomach
Avoid creating a Mt. Everest model with the food on your plate. More often than not, your eyes are much bigger than your stomach and if you eat a plateful of rich food you’ll be unhappy about it later. Instead, take only half as much food as you think you’ll be able to eat. Or take just one small spoonful of each dish you want to try.To get a visual idea of how to fill your plate, check out these two guides:
These guides are part of the FitWatch Nutrition Coaching Program.
See: Cutting Calories Without Driving Yourself Crazy
#6 - Skip Second Helpings
Whether you are eating at home, in a restaurant, or at a party, make a commitment that you will not go back for seconds at any time. People rarely take second helpings because they are still hungry. More often than not it’s because the food tastes so good that they don’t want to stop eating yet. Needless to say, this practice is a good way to ingest many more calories than you actually need.#7 - Treat Yourself
Don’t try to be “perfect” with your eating habits during the holidays - that always backfires and leads to a binge! Instead, strive to do your best by eating healthy but also allow yourself a few treats here and there. Eating one small slice of pie is not going to ruin your weight loss goals. Be responsible about the choices you make, but don’t expect yourself to shun all of the goodies, either.See: 7 Healthy Snacks to Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth on a Diet
#8 - Work It Off
When you do indulge a little bit, do what you can to minimize the impact of the extra calories. Spend a little extra time in the gym or working out at home for the next several days. Either extend the length of your workout or the level of intensity, or both. It’s an easy way to help burn off the extra calories. You can even do this in advance - for example, if you have a company Christmas party on Friday night and you know you’ll want to enjoy some of your favorite holiday foods, ramp up your workout routine during the preceding week, as well as the week after the party.#9 - Healthy Potluck
Rather than relying on others to prepare healthier holiday meals, why not contribute your own? Whip up some low calorie, low fat dishes and bring them to family dinners, parties, and other gatherings. When it’s time to eat, be sure to have a generous helping of your own dish, and then sample small amounts of the others with more calories.#10 - Be in High Spirits
Do the holidays often get you down? If you have a tendency to be depressed or irritable during the Christmas season, you’ll be much more likely to overeat to try and comfort yourself. Instead, make time for self-care as often as possible. Nurture yourself from within and you’ll find that you are much less interested in self-medicating with food.Must Read
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