5 Signs Your Sleep Habits Aren't Working for You [INFOGRAPHIC]

What people should really be proud of is... the good night's sleep they got.
Yup, sleep.
Not only does a good night’s sleep help you metabolically, but getting a good night’s sleep can help you make better decisions during the day to reach your weight loss and fitness goals.
This awesome infographic created by Precision Nutrition shows you what signs to look out for -- and it tells you how to get a great night's sleep.
For most people, sleep is a habit to be learned like any other habit.
Speaking of habits, sleep is one of the many habits I coach you through when you sign up for my online weight loss coaching program. (I'm certified as a PN1 Nutrition Coach through Precision Nutrition.)
Just to give you a little taste of it, you can download and print this one-page worksheet on sleep:
Sleep and Recovery Worksheet
On to the show...