Calories Burned Search Results
Your search for exercises in the 'Around the Home' category returned 45 choice(s). Click on an exercise down below to calculate the calories you'll burn doing that exercise. Or click here to go back to main calories burned page and refine your search.
You can also search by keyword(s) in this category.
- Cleaning, vigorous
- Mopping
- Household chores, light
- Household chores, moderate
- Household chores, vigorous
- Vacuuming
- Cooking
- Scrubbing floors, bathrooms
- Sweeping
- Moving furniture, boxes, moderate
- Packing/unpacking, light to moderate
- Cooking, light housekeeping
- Yard work or gardening activities
- Pilates, general
- Playing with children, light
- Playing with children, moderate
- Playing with children, vigorous
- Carrying small children
- Playing with dog, light
- Playing with animals, moderate
- Playing with animals, vigorous
- Painting
- Lying down, watching tv
- Sleeping
- Reading
- Meditating
- Mowing lawn, general
- Mowing lawn, riding mower
- Mowing lawn, hand mower
- Mowing lawn, power mower
- Snow blower
- Planting garden
- Planting trees
- Raking
- Riding snow blower
- Raking grass, leaves, bagging
- Shoveling snow by hand
- Trimming shrubs or trees (manual)
- Trimming shrubs or trees (electric cutter)
- Watering lawn or garden
- Weeding garden
- Gardening, general
- Sexual activity, vigorous
- Sexual activity, moderate
- Intimate activity, light